Blog | How Brax Optimize Outbrain & Taboola Native Ads

What are White Label Products and How to Promote Them thru Native Ads

Written by Brax Team | Dec 30, 2022 5:23:35 PM

Have you ever wished you could jump into the e-commerce industry and take advantage of its growing power? The competitive atmosphere of online shopping can be intimidating, and getting started is a real challenge. You need an awesome product and an effective marketing strategy. But what's the best way to get there without spending a fortune creating a product, manufacturing it, stocking up, and promoting it?


That's where white-label products come in! White-label products are an excellent way to break into the e-commerce market without having to share all the profits and credit with another person or company. Not having to invent the wheel from scratch is a major bonus — all you need is the right idea and an efficient marketing plan. 


Plus, promoting someone else's products while making them your own is as fun as it is rewarding. With white-label products, you can access quality goods that are already produced but still have control over pricing, brand, content, and more. A little bit of effort can go a long way — why not try white-label products today?


But what exactly are white-label products, and how do you promote them?


What are White Label Products?

White-label products are products manufactured by one company but branded and sold by another. They’re the type of items many of us have unknowingly been purchasing for years—think store-brand food items, generic medications, beauty products from companies you’ve never heard of before, and no-name toys. 


White labeling offers a way to make high-quality goods available at lower price points than many brand-name options. Companies that purchase and resell white-label goods save money on business investments like research and development. 


The white label producer often uses much less expensive materials than their counterparts without sacrificing durability or quality — making them a great choice for businesses that want to make budget purchases without giving up dependability regarding building and design. 


Pros and Cons of Promoting White-Label Products

White-label products can be a great way to earn from the e-commerce industry if you're up for the challenge. As an entrepreneur, you can create a customized product that meets specific user preferences. 


Entrepreneurs looking to promote a product can reap many benefits from going the white-label route. Of course, there are both pros and cons when it comes to white-label products that should be taken into consideration before investing any time or money. We have collected some advantages and disadvantages of selling white-label products so you can evaluate them properly before getting started.



No Need to Develop a Product on Your Own

Not only would you have access to premium quality products and services, but you also don’t need to worry about developing your own. By selling white-label products, you have the opportunity to increase your range of offerings without taking on the stress and expense of research, development, and support for new products. Using white-label providers saves smaller businesses the time and energy needed to develop their own safe and reliable sourcing options. 


Reduce Production and Stocking Costs

Aside from research and development, selling white-label products is becoming an increasingly popular option for businesses looking to reduce production and stocking costs. Not only does this method of outsourcing the design, manufacturing, and distribution costs save companies from the expense of in-house operations, but it ensures a steady supply chain and efficient delivery system for their customers without sacrificing quality. 


Furthermore, these third-party vendors are generally more cost-effective than larger manufacturers due to their streamlined internal systems, which concentrate solely on one product or segment in comparison to traditional factories that can rarely be specialized enough to truly meet customer needs. 


Rebranding Advantage

White-label products are re-brandable, meaning your customers won’t be able to tell that they didn’t originate from your business — they’ll think you created it! By rebranding a product, you can add your own personal touch to it and make it more attractive to a greater audience. Whether you go for customizing the design, style, or packaging, giving the product your individual stamp of approval can add immense value to it by increasing its appeal and recognition amongst potential buyers. In addition, retaining control over how your product looks and feels enhances your brand identity in the long run. 



Cheaper Compared To Similar Products On The Market

On the one hand, people argue that these products are of better quality for the price. After all, the reduced cost can be attributed to leaving out the unnecessary frills and extra features that add up to a higher cost without providing any real benefit. This allows entrepreneurs to get their desired products on a budget while not scrimping on quality. 


Consistent Supply

You can always count on having a reliable supply of white-labeled goods available to you from a trusted source — no matter what! That's because when businesses choose to use white labels for their products, they are tapping into established networks of producers who already have a successful track record and supply chain in place. This means that, more often than not, you don't need to worry about where your product is coming from or whether it will be delivered on time — the answer is an absolute yes!


Fast Innovation

Since the manufacturers only focus on making these products, they can innovate quickly. Being underdogs affords these manufacturers the chance to remain agile in their adaptation while establishing an exclusive standing amongst users. 


The lack of a traditional brand name means that often these companies can embrace and experiment with new ideas, discover untapped markets and keep ahead of the competition. In addition, the no-name route offers financial flexibility; without paying branding or corporate licensing fees, they can allocate those funds elsewhere so their products won’t blow out their budget or timelines.



You can’t always guarantee quality

There will always be a tradeoff between white-labeled goods and those offered by well-known brands. A significant amount of time and energy often goes into researching consumer relations and developing the right balance between production costs and profits to ensure a trusted quality across all the items sold under big company names. 


As someone from the outside (the entrepreneur as the buyer of goods), you don’t have control over how the products are produced and how they control quality. You have no choice but the trust that the manufacturer is doing its due diligence.


Increased Liability

As many business owners know, white-label products can leave you with some legal liabilities. For instance, if a customer buys products from you and is unhappy with their purchase, they may have recourse to seek compensation, even if the product was designed and manufactured by another manufacturer. Increased liability can mean you might have to shell out some money in reparations regardless of the issue. 


So when engaging in white branding, it’s important to understand what kind of available protection and resources you have so that any potential liability is mitigated as much as possible. 


Taking proper steps when it comes to researching and working with a supplier is necessary to prevent nasty surprises down the line. After all, no one wants to ruin a thriving business by being caught unaware!

How to Use Native Ads to Promote Your White-Label Products

Companies that offer white-label products can benefit from using native advertising to promote their brand and build trust with customers. Native ads are highly visual and engaging, allowing them to stand out in the crowded online marketplace and draw attention to what makes the product stand out. 


Furthermore, native ads can feature stories, photos, videos, and other multi-media content, making them an ideal way for marketers to gain more targeted clicks faster than conventional display ads. With engaging visuals, witty copywriting, and clever targeting strategies, companies that use native ads can increase brand awareness and recognition. 


Many platforms allow users to customize their ad campaigns' appearance, allowing companies to tailor their ads to match their branding while using a wide selection of formats, such as sponsored articles and mobile in-app units. By leveraging native advertising, businesses that sell white-label products can become more successful in the online marketplace.

Common types of White Label Products That You Can Promote via Native Ads

White-label products come in an ever-increasing range of sizes, shapes, styles, and brands — so the potential to create multiple revenue streams by selling and promoting them is massive! 


In addition to being able to entice customers with truly unique offerings, many businesses have been keen to take advantage of white-label products because consumers don’t have direct access to these products. It is your job, therefore, to provide access to these products and then earn in the process.


With options ranging from organic vegan food items to cutting-edge electronic gadgets and gizmos, white-label products can provide a slew of benefits in terms of profit margins and performance levels. 


Here are some of the popular types of white-label products that you can promote on native ads:


Beauty creams and products 

Beauty cream products are always in demand, and they have become essential to many daily beauty regimens, from anti-aging creams to moisturizers, face masks, and eye serums. What makes these products even more intriguing is that they are often offered as white-label products, which means they can be promoted as branded items on native ads.


Promoting beauty creams with native advertising can be a fun and effective way to boost product awareness and get customers interested in your products. It doesn't have to be intimidating — it's really just a matter of finding the right types of content that will engage your target audience. Your native ad should feature compelling visuals, which might include lifestyle shots of people using your product or images showcasing the specific effects the cream has on the skin. 

One effective way of getting the attention of potential customers is by focusing on skin flaws; no one likes having blemishes, age spots, and rough texture and people will want to buy products that turn back the clock and keep their complexion perfect.




Avoid adding before and after images as most native advertising networks frown upon those and not only do they reject such campaigns, they might end up suspending your account for repeat offenses.


Generic electronic products

Promoting white-label electronic products on native ads is a great way to make a quick buck. From everyday items like Bluetooth earbuds and flashlights to high-end electronics such as solar-powered products, these versatile and affordable items can generate serious cash flow. They don’t require much research or work; just put your ad out there, and you’ll give shoppers exactly what they’re looking for.

As readers click through your ad, they’ll be introduced to unexpected options from budget-friendly vendors. Preferably within the same price range – allowing shoppers to find the perfect product at the perfect (for them) price tag!

Native advertising is proven to be an effective way to reach and engage potential consumers when it comes to promoting electronic gadgets. To really make a splash with these types of items, native advertising should focus on creating content that helps inform customers about the benefits of using them, interesting fun facts about the gadgets themselves, and creative reviews from current happy users. 



Promoting electronic gadgets with native advertising can be an effective way to increase exposure and engagement of your product. Take, for example, the popular rebranded flashlights and solar power banks that are highly sought after right now. For an effective campaign, creating interesting visuals accompanying engaging stories could bring light—pun intended—to the message of your product and entice people who wouldn't have noticed it otherwise.


Pet Products

The key to a successful pet accessories and toy business is effective promotion. With the right strategies, you can create an exciting shopping experience that encourages your customers to stay loyal to your store when it comes time to buy their furry friend's latest treats and toys. 


Put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Finding the perfect pet accessories and toys can be overwhelming to a pet owner. After all, you want to make your pet look stylish while also keeping them entertained and happy. But there's one trick to easily promoting these products: show pictures of pets actually using them! 



When potential customers see the joy their own furry friend could experience with an accessory or toy, they'll be inspired to purchase. Seeing in-action shots of pets interacting with the products will make a powerful impression and help increase sales. So don't forget that showing images of pets using your products is an essential part of an effective native advertising campaign!


Weightloss and Muscle-Building Products

The health and wellness industry is booming, and if you are ready to join this revolution, gaining knowledge on how to market your products is a great first step. Whether you are looking to promote white-label protein powders, weight loss shakes, pre and post-workout supplements, understanding the keys to effective marketing can help propel your business and get your wellness products into the hands of more customers.

To ensure that your ad is effective, try to make it entertaining while still being informative. Think of ways of making the viewer laugh or catch their attention that do not detract from the message you are trying to get across. 



Specific words like “effective” or “proven” should be used subtly but often enough for viewers to know that this product is reliable. Showing viewers what kind of people can benefit from these products is also important – like athletes and gym-goers– so they will feel represented by the brand and inspired to purchase it.


Male Enhancement and Adult Products

From libido boosters to male enlargement pills to erectile dysfunction medications and testosterone creams, there’s a bevy of white-label male enhancement products on the market that you can promote on native ads.


Male enhancement products have been making the rounds in the health and wellness industries for some time now, yet many men remain skeptical about their effectiveness. After all, touting drug-free solutions to intimate problems can sometimes seem like a “too good to be true” solution. 


Native advertising networks rarely allow Rated 18 or mature kinds of promotion, so you need to be creative in this aspect. Your ads can be approved and you can entice customers that have better chances of making a purchase through native ads if you’re clever enough. Below are some examples of how this can be achieved:



Promoting male enhancement products can be tricky, with potential customers’ inhibitions and sensitivities around the topic. However, done correctly and with the right approach, marketing these products can be an effective and rewarding way to get more business. To start off, it's important to be aware of the existing space of similar products as well as customer preferences to ensure promotion approaches respect boundaries. Leveraging attention-grabbing phrases such as "free trial offers," "limited-time-only deals" or even "male enhancement's best-kept secrets" is an excellent way to capture potential customers' attention. 


Vitamins and Food Supplements

If you’ve been looking at the health and fitness industry lately, chances are you’ve heard of health supplements. This type of product is everywhere nowadays, from online ads to shelves at your local supplement store. These products have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and ease of use. 


If you intend to promote these types of white-label products, make sure you get proper registration from Food and Drug authorities in the countries you are promoting these in, as well as in the country in which the products are being manufactured. Check with your source and local government about restrictions and requirements on these types of products.


One thing you need to know about native ads is that most of its audience comes from a “reader” kind of audience — those who prefer to pore over text than watch videos that seem like commercials. These are also the types of audiences that are willing to open up their wallets once they deem a product worth buying.


In short, they are not window shoppers, they are actual buyers.


Let’s take for example anti-diabetes food supplements. Successfully promoting anti-diabetes pills and food supplements requires focus, planning, and knowledge. A great way to get started is to illustrate how people with diabetes can benefit from these products — that means utilizing images of food items and everyday items associated with living with diabetes. For example, a picture of a glucose testing kit or measuring spoons can help demonstrate the importance of these products. Of course, don’t forget about posting images of delicious meals for those with dietary restrictions! 



Another example would be eye health products.


Promoting eye health products requires creativity and clever marketing tactics. A great way to start is by leveraging images that are intended to grab the attention of viewers while encouraging them to act. For example, using images of eyes or blurry vision in advertisements can be an effective visual cue for viewers to consider their present and future health benefits, invoking a sense of urgency in people. 


Final Thoughts on Promoting White-Label Products via Native Ads

Promoting white-label products on native ads can be a great way to get more eyeballs to see your offer. Begin by creating targeted and tailor-made content designed to suit your target audience's needs. Embrace all aspects of native content to capture potential customers' attention with visually appealing photographs, images, and videos that are both informative and entertaining. 


Don’t forget that landing pages are key to convincing consumers to proceed with the purchase. Your native ads are the window, and the landing pages are the presentation area, so don’t leave that behind.


Native advertising is the only way you will reach those who normally scroll past traditional advertising options, such as banner ads, pop-ups, or redirects. 


Finally, pay attention to timeliness – try promotional campaigns around holidays, new releases, or current events; this puts your message forward when people are more likely to notice and act upon it.