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Social Influence: How to Use it to Steer Customer Towards A Purchase

Written by Jairene Cruz-Eusebio | Mar 2, 2021 7:32:03 PM

Have you ever seen a long line at a pizza place and thought ‘what’s all the fuss about’? You start to think that the pizza may just be that delicious for dozens of people to wait in line outside. And have you ever felt inclined to line up, wait your turn, and taste the pizza yourself even when you had no intention of having pizza for dinner in the first place?


This is the effect of social influence. People display their fondness for a certain product, brand, or company, and we can’t help but be influenced by what they think. The crowd pulls you in like iron dust to a magnet.



This article will discuss the following topics:

What is Social Influence?

How Can Social Influence be Used in Marketing?

Types of Social Proofing

14 Tips on How to Incorporate Social Proofing into Your Marketing Strategy


If your product is new or relatively unknown to your target market, then convincing them to make a purchase the first time they see it would be difficult. You can utilize marketing funnels to ease your audiences through the process and warm them up to your product. 


However, if you don’t want to take that much time in convincing your target audience to buy your product (especially if it falls under an impulse purchase), then you would have to think of ways to encourage them to buy right away.


One technique is by using social influence to tap into your target market’s psyche.


What is Social Influence?


Social influence comes in many names, which include social proofing, crowd manipulation, and herd mentality. Although there is a slight difference among these terms, the main concept touches on people’s instinct to conform.


If a person is in the middle of an unfamiliar situation, his instinct is to follow what the majority of the people do. If he cannot determine which is the majority, he will look towards a person or a group that he can relate with or wants to follow.


It is called herd mentality because the action imitates that of what animals who belong to a herd do: follow the crowd.


Imagine a flock of sheep being moved or led towards their cage. Have you noticed that even without anything keeping the sheep at the edge of the flock from moving away from the group, it still doesn’t leave? This is because the natural instinct of the sheep is to stick with the group; only then can they scare away potential predators. A sheep that breaks away from the herd is the usual victim of wolves and foxes. In a sense, it is a survival instinct.



In human terms, moving away from the flock is like committing a mistake, and you can only do so if you have willpower strong enough to overcome your instincts.


Herd Mentality, as its name suggests, describes the behavior of people when they make decisions or do something just based on what everyone else in their “herd” is doing. In the case of digital marketing and online selling, that “herd” is typically the people within the social media platform that a person is using.


Social Proofing, on the other hand, is the phenomenon where people take action when they observe “proof” from other people that it is the right choice to make. Well-known celebrities (and most recently, “social media influencers”) have been using this to get people to buy products and services. Their stamp of approval gets people to buy because they have established a certain level of trust among their audience, the same way you would trust a good friend who recommends you “the best” face cream they have ever used. 


While herd mentality is all about following the crowd believing they are correct, normative social influence is all about following the crowd believing that this will help them gain acceptance and be “liked”.


These various concepts can be used individually or together, for greater impact.

How Can Social Influence Be Used in Marketing?


What these three social influence concepts have in common is the ability to take away your customers’ decision-making “power” by tapping into their psyche and triggering a natural reaction rather than a logical one. 


In marketing, these concepts are often intertwined and combined. Simply, it can be said that herd mentality is a learned behavior from long-term social proofing – if you’ve got enough proof from a social circle that you’ve been a part of for a long time, you eventually drop any and all “thinking” processes and just follow the actions of people around you.


Social Influence works on marketing because:


1. It feeds on the Fear of Missing Out

Most potential customers who consume online content get very interested in what everyone else is doing/buying, creating the urgency for them to “get on the bandwagon” and “join the fun”. The idea is to reinforce the belief that everybody else is doing it, so one must not be left behind. This could significantly improve the performance of your marketing strategy.


2. A Sense Of Kinship

Ever heard of Reddit? If you’ve ever been on that platform, you would notice that there is a “sense of kinship” that makes you feel like you are a part of a special community. This unique characteristic of Reddit enables people to learn about other people who are into the same interests or are going through a similar situation in their lives. This in turn makes its users feel that they are not alone and it somehow establishes trust between strangers.


We’ve recently seen how the power of the crowd working together can change the market, what with the recent GameStop Mania by Redditors.

If you could make your customers feel connected with you in that way, then it could also show your audience that they can rely on you and your brand. Building connections is how you do Social Proofing right. After all, your customers are humans, and humans are all social beings.


Types of Social Proofing

Understanding the causality of social influence could be a tedious process, but it could also be very rewarding in developing your marketing strategies. To understand these concepts better, knowing the types of social proof is a good place to start.


1. Crowd Wisdom

The crowd wisdom is what generally creates the Herd Mentality among customers because it comes from a large number of people vouching for the same thing all at once.


We tend to believe that if a lot of people agree on something, it is possible that some of these people have actually proven their belief to be correct. Five thousand regular people saying and agreeing to the same thing could sometimes be more powerful than one expert’s opinion. 


One good example that is also very timely is the pandemic. Just look at what’s happening with the way some groups of people are handling COVID-19.  While health experts are trying to encourage everyone to wear their masks properly and keep a safe social distance, millions of people still disregard such calls for action simply because the “crowd” they belong to is saying otherwise.


Now, this is not the best manifestation of Herd Mentality, but it is the reality. If the “crowd” says it’s okay not to wear masks, then the tendency for the people within that social circle is just to follow the herd.


Another good example of crowd mentality is when thousands of people recommend a certain movie. Websites like Rotten Tomatoes get millions of views a month because people want to know what the general public thinks about a certain movie before watching them.



The higher the number of people who rated and reviewed the movie, the more “reliable” the rating becomes. If the rating is high but the audience count is low, the viewer will not even consider it. 


There are two kinds of crowd influence, and that is Positive Crowd Influence and Negative Crowd Influence. It is essential that you, as a marketer, understand the difference between the two so that you do not make the mistake of creating a marketing campaign that is counterproductive to your objective.


Positive Crowd Influence

This is the easiest type of crowd influence. You encourage someone to perform an action because a lot of people are doing it.


Take a look at this example:


When you say that thousands of people are already doing it and your viewer is being left behind, it triggers their fear of missing out, making them feel the urgency of the task not because it is important but because they are being left behind.


Negative Crowd Influence

This is the tricky one, and many marketers make the mistake of doing this without realizing it. Negative influencing is when you encourage someone to be an outlier, or to move away from what the “herd” is doing.


However, because you are asking someone to go against his nature, the chances of the marketer achieving his goal are low. 


If you switch the above example to how many are not switching to eco-friendly options, you will arrive at the following:



You may be thinking that since you are pointing out that a lot of trash is being produced by millions of Americans, you can convince your viewer to reduce their personal garbage.


However, the opposite can happen. You may end up convincing your viewer that since millions of people are doing it, then there’s no point in trying to make a small difference! Millions of people are doing it, so I’ll just follow the crowd.


This phenomenon is very evident in an experiment Alex Laskey of Opower discussed. He mentioned that in an experiment, grad students handed out flyers to households saying that they can save a specific amount of money or that they can help save the Earth if they reduce their energy usage. None of these methods worked.


What they found to be the most convincing was to tell the people that their neighbors are being energy efficient and that they are being left behind in this move.


This showed that social pressure is so powerful that it can convince you to do something inconvenient, or even something you don’t believe in! They used this implication of behavioral science to promote their energy-saving philosophy, and were able to help households save more than $250 million worth of electricity in 2012!


Here’s an example of crowd wisdom being used in advertising. Take a look at how this insurance offer is encouraging senior users to use their tool:


For a deeper analysis into this landing page (and several other insurance and refinance landing pages as collected by AdPlexity), have a look at our article Top Landing Pages: eCommerce, Insurance & Refinance Verticals.


2. Friend Wisdom

Possibly one of the best social proofs there is, the Friend Wisdom, is effective because it disregards everything else that’s being said about something simply because there is already an established connection and trust between the recipient and the source of information (the friend).


In more traditional marketing methods, this is the “word-of-mouth” way of advertising – which is basically free and is even regarded at a higher level than other forms of social proof. 


According to Yotpo, 79% of shoppers recommend brands they love to friends. This means that if you can encourage your customers to recommend your products to their friends, your cost of acquisition will surely decrease.


Friend Wisdom accomplishes three things that could be good for marketing:


  1. sources has already “tested” the product on the customer’s behalf,
  2. it further builds on that FOMO (fear of missing out) within circles of friends, thus triggering Herd Mentality, and
  3. it removes accountability on your part, as that responsibility falls on that “friend” who has vouched for your product or service.


A lot of companies are banking on the “friend referral”. Facebook is one of the biggest purveyors of friend recommendations.



Facebook recommends pages and brands to follow, displaying your Facebook friends that follow the same companies as social proof. This makes it seem as if the brand has been recommended by the friend himself (even if not).


See how this apparel store benefits from Facebook’s display of how many friends have liked the same page, prompting the user to “like” it, too! If 248 of yours friends already like the apparel store, it must be good!


3. Informational Social Influence

But what if you, as an advertiser, don’t have access to your target market’s network? You won’t be able to show them who among their friends “likes” your product. If you haven’t reached their social circle yet, none of the individuals will recommend your product to them. How will you use the social proofing phenomenon to promote your unknown product?


It’s actually pretty simple, you can use what is called Informational Social Influence. This means you inform your viewers that people of similar traits are already performing the actions you want them to perform.


The concept is this: if a person doesn’t know how to behave, he will copy the actions of someone he can relate to. 


Despite what we say about who we are and what our preferences are, we tend to follow people who resemble us, one way or another. We are wired to value the opinion of those who are similar to us.


When using this social proofing technique, you must follow these two steps:

1. Create a marketing persona. 

Imagine your ideal customer. A target persona allows you to have a deeper insight into what your target audience is thinking, what their needs are, what their pain points are, and so on. 

Follow this guide on how to create a target persona if you’re not familiar with the process. It’s important to be as accurate as you can, else it’s going to be a miss.


2. Develop a Story

And not just a random story, but a story with your target persona in mind. Use your audience’s pain points and incorporate them into your story, featuring your product or service as the solution to their problem.

How did the features of your offer benefit the consumer? What anecdotal experience happened to the character in your story that your customers can relate to?


This is the perfect social proofing type used in native advertising, whether it be for impulse buys or practical purchases. 


If an article says women aged 31 to 40 do this, if you fall under the same demographic, you will likely follow in their footsteps. For instance, this Bitcoin offer is targeting middle-class married women with children.


If you’re like the character, Michelle, in this article, not really broke but wants more money to live a comfortable life, then you will definitely relate to the story. You would want to read more about how this woman was able to earn £7,239 a month the past three years because, in essence, she is you!


Storytelling has a big impact as it makes the scenario believable, plus it pulls into your customer’s emotions. Most purchases are driven by emotions, after all.


4. User Feedback

One of the main reasons why sites like Amazon set up automated “review requests” is because of the power of User Feedback. 


To encourage users to leave reviews for their products, some Amazon sellers would give vouchers or discounts to customers just so they would rate the purchases they made. They do this because they know how invaluable an actual user’s feedback is, and a glowing review from an actual person buying the product could potentially bring in more business for the seller.


Reviews and feedback are important for new businesses or if it’s the first time the user will see the product but are being prompted for an impulse purchase.


There are three kinds of user feedback that can be used today, and these are:

1. Customer reviews and/or ratings

These are reviews left by your customers on your website, on the product page, or on your social media page. You can get this either by asking your customers to leave a review or by customers actively leaving a review of their own accord. When they do the latter, they are usually either very satisfied or very disappointed with your product or service.


According to the Local Consumer Review Survey 2020, 87% of consumers read reviews of local businesses, and 79% of respondents say user reviews matter as much as a friend recommendation!


A great example is as we mentioned above -- Amazon. 



Most e-Commerce businesses benefit from these. However, the percentage of customers who leave a review for a product or service is very low. It is expected to be somewhere between 1% and 5%. To increase your chances of getting a review, you must make it easier for them to do so by providing the actual link to leave a review. You can also give them an incentive to do so.

2. Client Testimonials

Testimonials are very much like customer reviews, except that these are sought for and curated by the business. Businesses request these from their past and current clients and then post them on their websites to earn prospective clients’ trust.

The business has a choice of whether or not to include a client review in their website; which means all negative reviews will not be included, making it a biased list of reviews.

While many don’t put equal weight on client testimonials as compared to user reviews, these still add to the business’s credibility. Typically, the name of the respondent as well as the company they represent is added. 

Client testimonials are frequently used by B2B businesses who can otherwise confirm whether the testimonial is legitimate or not.


We at Brax use Client Testimonials on our homepage:


Some businesses even include photos of business representatives so that customers can link a face to the message, such as what Ahrefs did:


  1. User-Generated Content

This is the latest version of user feedback. With the advent of social media, people are able to post feedback on their own profiles and tag the business in their posts. This is called User Generated Content.


Users provide this voluntarily, sometimes with a very little prompting from the seller or business. This is because specific items act as status symbols or can even help “represent” the person’s lifestyle. 


UGCs are very powerful as they work as (1) a friend recommendation as it can be seen by people within the user’s social circle; and (2) a user feedback since when the business is tagged, the public post appears in their business’ profile as well.


One great example of a business that used UGC to boost its brand is the sports apparel company Under Armour.

5. Influencer Recommendation or Celebrity Endorsement

Celebrities, athletes, Instagram models, YouTube stars, and other product endorsers are social proofing that has been around for decades. 


You have heard of celebrities endorsing products in radio commercials, and you have seen them promoting products in TV commercials. While you know that they are getting paid to promote the said product, you still believe in them. You tend to believe that this person will not promote the product if he does not have a good opinion of it. Essentially, the trust you have for that celebrity that you admire is transferred to the product or service being promoted.


These endorsers could be good for marketing simply because it “puts a face” to your product, and it helps in both brand recognition and advertisement. These celebrities are already recognized by millions of people, and having that big of a following on any platform would surely attract more people to buy or use your products.


The endorsers create an image that your business is one to be trusted, and most of them do the legwork for you. As the “representative” of your business, whatever they say or do would be a reflection of your company and its values.


One great example of a celebrity propelling a brand to the forefront of the industry they belong in is Michael Jordan’s promotion of Nike shoes.



Michael Jordan became synonymous with Nike, so much that even until now, more than two decades after Jordan’s retirement from the NBA, Air Jordans are still the most sought-after basketball shoes.


6. Expert Advice

Again, this comes down to the fact that someone else is vouching for the product, similar to the User Feedback and the Celebrity Endorsement types of social proof. 

The main difference is that experts are actually deemed to be more reliable in certain market areas, especially when it comes to health and technology-related products. These professionals already have the trust and respect of not just their “herd”, but also of those relying on their expertise. Getting an endorsement from them would boost your product’s image as well.


For instance, the famous American doctor, Dr. Oz, has repeatedly promoted several weight loss products, such as Garcinia Cambogia.



He is deemed as an expert in his field, and getting his stamp of approval boosted the weight loss product. Millions of people hoping to lose weight fast subscribed to such supplements because a famous doctor said it will help. Whether or not the claims are true is of a different matter.


Expert advice can be used as a promotional tool in and of itself, which is why many promotional pages feature such. 

7. Certification

As opposed to the Expert type of Social Proof, the Certification type holds a certain level of credibility because such certifications are issued by governing bodies or regulated organizations. Getting a certification for any product requires a thorough evaluation of the item based on the standards set by the issuing institution. 


For instance, the FDA determines whether food products and medicines are safe for consumption and/or whether or not they are effective. The standards vary from one product or another, but the bottom line is that they would not be “certified” unless they meet a certain level of quality.


A certification counts both as social proof and a trust badge. If the organization that makes a review is a well-known evaluating body, then its social influence can be greater.


14 Tips on How to Incorporate Social Proofing in Your Marketing Strategy

There are plenty of ways to use Social Proofing to your advantage, but here are some pointers to help you get started.


1. Add or Encourage Product Reviews from Previous Customers

Gen Z and Millennial consumers check reviews of a product first before making any purchase. They are more inclined to purchase a product that has reviews than those without.


This is primarily because these generations are more tech-aware and are very careful with buying stuff online. By checking reviews first, they can make an informed decision and therefore eliminate any doubts they had about the products.


You can request for a review via email once the customer has received the product or service purchased. If your business is connected with them via social media networks, you can reach out to them there as well (provided that they have sent you a message there in the past).


Here is a sample email requesting for a review (source:



There are a few things you can do to encourage users to provide feedback, and these are by:

  • Providing an incentive.

You can give them a discount code for future purchases, or you can offer a free gift to be shipped once the review has been completed. Rewards help you two-fold: you will receive a user rating and you can increase the chances of repeat purchases.

  • Making the review process easy and simple.

You can do this by incorporating the feedback system within the body of the email, or you can add a button that quickly directs the user to the exact page where he needs to add a review.


  • Personalizing the request.

Many businesses send a generic email asking for a review. If you can make it customized to your customer’s purchase, it will make it easier for them to leave a review as they will be reminded of what they purchased from you in the first place. Have a look at Chewy, a pet food merchant’s review request:

2. Start With Your Own Herd

There’s no shame in starting with your own personal connections, so start with your own herd if you can. Not only is this free, but it also allows you to get as close to truthful customer feedback as possible. Starting with your closest relationships could be good because from there your business may also grow by word-of-mouth.


If possible, ask them to provide details of their experience in the review. Why? Because generic product reviews or ratings that do not include any useful feedback will seem dubious, and may even be counterproductive.


3. Create a Sense of Interaction

Getting people to interact with you and with each other will enable you to provide the best customer service possible by getting an unbiased opinion from actual users of your products. This again builds into the “sense of community”, and it also makes people feel heard. 


To do this, you can make sure to:

  • encourage conversations on your platforms (for instance, when sharing a post on Instagram, end it with a question so people can “reply” to it in the comments section)
  • encourage customers to share their content
  • comment or react to your customers’ comments or posts related to your products
  • acknowledge them by tagging them on social media
  • reply to their queries directly


If you can’t add a product review section, add a comments section. Many native ads landing pages use what looks like a Facebook comments section to gain the consumer’s confidence. A comments section appears unsolicited, making the page (and the promotion) look authentic.



You can see in the sample above that there are a thousand comments, some of them even saying that they’ve tried it and it’s working for them. Do you think this will have any effect on how the viewer will see your offer? Definitely!


4. Add Images in Testimonials

Testimonials of previous clients must be reinforced with images that are not stock. If you use stock images for testimonials, it may come across as fake. Sometimes, low-resolution images work even better as it makes it look like that picture has been taken from a camera phone, and therefore by a real person.



The photo of the person perceived to be giving the testimonial must be smiling and must look inviting in order to exude trustworthiness.


According to a study, even images that may seem to be nonsense can enhance the “legitimacy” of a claim. Professionally-taken images may achieve the opposite, especially when the promotion makes use of storytelling.

5. Find Your Brand Ambassadors

If you have the budget for it, you can opt for getting Brand Ambassadors on popular social media sites. Your Brand Ambassador of choice must be someone your target market can relate to.


One of the best examples of brand ambassadors nowadays is the Youtube sensation CKN Brothers of CKN Toys Channel. These kids started out by unboxing toys and playing with them, giving their followers the impression that they really enjoy the toys they play with.



They currently have more than 17 million followers. Their most popular video has reached almost 300 million views! Their target audience may be kids, but who do you think is the target market of brands asking to be featured in their videos? Clue: it’s not the kids!


It’s actually the parents! If they can see that the product is safe and has features that will make their children happy (as can be seen with the children in the video who are similar to their kids), the video can help convince parents to buy these toys for their kids (not to mention buying such toys can stop the whining they are probably hearing from their toddlers).


When hiring Brand Ambassadors (BA), make sure you evaluate the possible cost-to-benefit ratio. Most importantly, make sure to do your due diligence in selecting such BAs. Can they appropriately represent your brand?


Not only should they have enough following on their respective platforms, but their audience should also be within your target market. Usually, it is more beneficial to work with a brand ambassador with fewer followers than a more popular one if the former’s followers are those who will potentially be interested in your product.


How to Find Brand Ambassadors

  • Previous customers

People who have purchased from you and are satisfied with your products are great ambassadors because they already have experience with your brand. They are authentic in their representation. They will not have to make up lies when asked about their experience. They can also be passionate about your products, especially if they thoroughly enjoyed the service.

  • Manual search in social media websites

There are thousands of people, groups, or pages that generate a following online. These are the ones that are of almost celebrity status. You can manually search for them on social platforms that you want to promote in. 

  • Influencer networking platforms

Because influencer marketing is a thing now, it is only natural for platforms that connect businesses to personalities to crop up. Some examples are Statusphere, Upfluence, and Post for Rent

It is also possible to connect with influencers via Fiverr and Upwork.

Additional factors to consider when finding Brand Ambassadors:

  • the overall public image of the celebrities/influencers that could affect your brand image
  • potential competitors that the BA is already working with (you can include a non-compete agreement or an exclusivity clause in your contract to protect your business)
  • the BA’s conversion rates (you can usually ask this early on before getting them onboard)
  • presence in all potential social media platforms
  • quality of the BA’s content (this is particularly important if you want to start with not-so-popular BA’s who have the potential to build your brand)


6. Use the Influence of Popular Brands or People

Brand Ambassadors are those who actively promote your product, but celebrities or brands you mention on your promotional material need not be actual endorsers. 


Many landing pages use celebrities and stories of how these celebrities overcome a certain problem in order to promote their brand, even when the celebrity does not actually promote that brand.


Take a look at this landing page for the product Jeune Bisou, a skincare product, which features Meghan Markle in what is made to look like a gossip column.


While many frowns upon this practice, it is undeniable that it is very powerful. Marketers have become more creative though, and instead of saying the celebrity used the product, they just state that the influencer used something, which coincidentally is an ingredient of the product they are trying to sell.


The same effect can be observed when using “As Featured In”. This concept works like a celebrity endorsement, as we humans make the assumption that anything featured on national television (and other popular network shows) must be legitimate, else they will not even be picked up as a news item.



8. Connect With Experts

Find people who are well-known and are considered “experts” in your target market. For instance, if you are selling camera lenses and other camera accessories, getting actual photographers to try and check out your products could boost your sales. 


Once you’re connected with these experts, it would be easier for you to reach your target audience because these people are usually linked with other professionals who could benefit from your products.


Some common examples you can include in your strategy are:

  • organizing “talks” with the experts that you then release through your various social media platforms
  • getting the experts to issue statements (by video, text, photo, etc.) about your products
  • encouraging people to reach out to the experts for you (basically asking for help from your followers to get your message to the expert, such as when TikTok users who cook ask for their followers to tag/share their content until it reaches Gordon Ramsay)


9. Get Your Products Certified

If it is applicable, best to get your products tested/certified to give quality assurance to customers. It might cost you a little bit (depending on your product and/or where you get your certification from), but this will pay off in the long run. This simple investment can get you more loyal customers, as they can easily verify the reliability of your product.


10. Mention the Demographic

You have to make it obvious to your target market that what you are offering is for them. Make it clear that the persona in your story, for instance, is very similar to them so that you can tap into the informational social influence.


You can mention the demographic outright. For example, this LP is offering a male enhancement product for senior citizens. While providing images can help, the actual display of age can quickly capture the reader’s attention. “This might just be the one I need.”



11. Increase Engagement Count

This is one of the best ways of social proofing. Have you ever been impressed with the number of likes, shares, and comments a blog post or a social media post has received? We all have. There is nothing better than seeing engagement like that to convince us that it must be worth clicking, viewing, reading through, or even purchasing!


Thousands of people engaging with it must mean something, right?


This is the main concept of viral marketing. You actually start with paid promotions to increase shares and viewership. After the initial investment, you will be able to get free organic views from people who are actively sharing your content.


Not only does viral marketing help increase awareness of your brand, but it also helps establish trust, which we all know is necessary for a conversion to occur (to either a subscription or a purchase).


12. Include the Numbers

The numbers matter a lot if you want to convince the viewer that everyone else is taking this action and he is being left behind.


  • How many are already using this product?

If thousands of people have already tried your product or service, then it would be worth it to include this information. If it’s only been a handful, best not mention it yet until you reach a number that would bring confidence to your brand.



  • How many have shared or liked this page?

Have a look at this blog post by Making Sense of Cents, a blog that revolves around making money online. Incidentally, the blogger herself sells courses on how to earn money through the internet. She has gained a following of more than 300 thousand people, many of whom have purchased her course.


  • How many viewed or are currently viewing the page?

The effect of the number of viewership has the same impact as the number of shares and likes.


13. Don’t Forget the Story

Humans are emotional creatures, and whether we accept it or not, most of our purchases are governed by our emotions. What best way to lure your customers than with a story that they can relate to? Better yet, a story that will match them perfectly, as if you are narrating the story of their lives?


According to a book entitled The Invisible Gorilla by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons, people are more likely to remember a story than numbers presented to them. This is because they attach an emotion to the character in the story and what happened in the story.


Our brains are said to be wired to take heed of the advice presented in the story. So if you don’t have the numbers, a compelling story that matches your audiences can take the lead!


14. Make Sure Positive Social Proof is Displayed Prominently

Observe the landing pages of health and wellness products. You will notice that they use several types of social proofing: within the body of the content, user reviews, testimonials, comments section, and more. 


You will see these placed on the sidebar, in the middle of the text, right before the Call to Action button, on in-page notifications, and even after the CTA! 


When your customers are close to making a purchase, social proofing can help give that extra nudge.


Sales pops like this below is social proof that people are really buying the product, even if you don’t know who Mary from New York is!

In reality, if you’re not using social proof (any kind of social proof) to help promote your product or gain your customer’s trust, then you are not marketing your business well. Whatever industry you are in, using social influence is or will be a necessity at one point or another.

127,493 people have applied this method and increased their profits ten-fold!

Now that may not be our exact number, but know this, if you don’t use this marketing technique today, you may pretty well end up missing out on this massive opportunity. Thousands of native advertisers already incorporate this technique into their campaigns, what are you waiting for? If you need help, we’re just an email away at