Outbrain Releases Exciting New Interactive Ad Format

By Jairene Cruz-Eusebio Outbrain

Keeping your audiences interested can be tough. You have to constantly keep things fresh to catch people’s attention. If you’ve tried all other native ad placements and formats, you’d be happy to know that Outbrain released a new format that is sure to excite your audience. I won’t go around in circles making you guess what it is, it’s none other than the Carousel!

carousel ads


How does the Carousel Ad Format look like?

You might have already seen this type of ad on Facebook and Instagram. The ad displays several images in a row, with a title or description either above or below the images. It is called the Carousel Ad, because the product images cycle, showing a specific image at a time, within the same row.

Outbrain’s carousel ad can display anywhere between two to ten images at a time. GIFs can be added, too. Each card in the carousel can include some text of up to 150 characters.

Also, you also have the option to include a Call-to-Action button on every image to further entice your viewers.

The CTAs available are:

  • Book Now
  • Shop Now
  • Apply Now
  • Register Now
  • Listen Now
  • Read More
  • Learn More
  • Watch More
  • Sign Up
  • Contact Us
  • Download
  • Get Quote
  • Install App
  • RSVP
  • Subscribe

If none of these work for you, you have the option not to include a CTA button.


Outbrain Carousel Ads

Outbrain's New Ad Format: The Carousel


What are the Advantages of Using a Carousel Ad?

Aside from being interesting because it is something new, there are several benefits to using a carousel ad, which includes the following:


1. It can showcase more products within a single ad placement.

If you are worried that you are not showing enough of your available products in your ads, then this ad type can definitely benefit you. This is even more beneficial if you have a single product with multiple variations.


2. It can help you improve your ad’s storytelling.

Similar to carousel images in social media, you can use the carousel ad to tell a story, something that a typical native ad cannot do. This helps you presell your offer, or warm up your audience to further entice them to click on your link. 

You can upload images in a certain fashion so as to depict a bigger, more dramatic image that creates a better impact. This can also help you highlight the best features of your offer, without leaving the rest behind.


3. You can get better audience engagement.

The ad is interactive and needs to be clicked on in order for the other images to show up. This lets the users engage with the ad. And since this ad type is common in social media, users pretty much know how to control it.


Setting up the ad and managing it can be done easily within Brax’s interface. This way, if you are running native ads with other ad networks, you can manage everything in one place. Click here to test the platform for 15 days for free.