Brax and Google Analytics: Set-up Tracking Like a Pro

By Khaled Azar Best Practices, Resources, Tips & Tricks

Last updated June 6, 2018.

Get better analytics data & reporting for content discovery networks:

*Note: this article jumps directly into tips on tracking best practices using, Google Analytics & the supported Networks, Outbrain, Taboola, YahooGemini, Revcontent, and It is for advertisers looking for ways to distribute, scale, and track their ads and campaigns. It is also for those who are comfortable using UTM parameters with defined views in Google Analytics. For an intro to tagging and in-depth explanation on what tags are, click here. 

Brax has harnessed the power of Google Analytics and Campaign Reporting to seamlessly bring all of your data in one place across multiple networks. It works like magic, and set-up is key. Read on for cheat sheets, resources, and instructions on how to simplify your tagging efforts.

Save the below image as an example on how to structure your UTM tracking tags.

Tracking 2017-03-14 08-49-07

If your tracking defaults look like the above in Brax, and you have defined a view in the Google Analytics integration, then you will not be disappointed.

If successfully implemented, you will see something like this:

Campaigns Overview 2017-02-15 00-23-13


Side by side access to performance with analytics for clear insight into how your campaign is doing, all in one place. Optimize away!

It also works on the Ad and Publisher levels, so managing campaigns just got a whole lot easier. No more having two or three screens simultaneously open and manually comparing and matching data with pivot tables and hours of time. With lightning quick set-up, you can have exportable reports for in depth analysis and optimization on one single screen.



Here are some additional resources for you:

You can copy and paste to the default tracking fields in Brax from the below recommended tracking settings:

CAMPAIGN Level Tagging:


Option #1 - Use ID's in separate parameters (Recommended):

{% raw %}utm_source=outbrain&utm_campaign={{campaign_id}}&utm_medium={{section_id}}&utm_content={{promoted_link_id}}&utm_term={{publisher_id}}

Option #2 - Everything in one parameter:


The example uses utm_term, because most the time it is not being utilized. Also used the delimiter, ~, because it is not a character used in IDs from experience. While sometimes you may see an underscore, dash or pipe character.


Option #1


Option #2



Option #1


Option #2


Option #1


Option #2


*note: Yahoo only supports tagging at the ad level, see below for more information

AD Level Tagging:

We no longer recommend using Ad level tagging on Outbrain, Taboola, Revcontent.

Oath(Yahoo Gemini)

Option #1:


Option #2:


Setting the parameters exactly as above is important. Each term is Case Sensitive.



Below are additional parameters each network provides.

New call-to-action


Happy Advertising!

Brax Team